Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blog 4

Questions you have with which your colleagues may be able to provide help and support

Most of the employees I work with are "old school".  I am wondering what type of media I should use for my presentation.  I would like to use PowerPoint, but I am not sure if that would go over their heads or if I seem to forward with my technology knowledge.  I started this job less than 3 months ago and I want to make sure that everyone feels comfortable to share their knowledge.  Does anyone have any ideas to make sure I can convey my message appropriately?  My topic is the integration of art and music in core content areas.

Resources and information you are seeking

I am looking to see where I could find qualified artists and musicians to guest speak at my facility.  Also, I would like to find new and interesting ways to integrate art and music in core content areas while still maintaining the children's interests.  I would like to know in the future how to expand on my plan.  I think that government agencies are cutting these programs at an exponential rate.  Does anyone have any ideas?

Resources and/or information you have found helpful and insightful

I have a colleague who has shared a great deal of information with me.  Ms. Anne has earned her bachelor's in art.  When I enlisted her, I had no idea how informed she was.  I have considered her input an extreme asset in my advocacy efforts.  I also have found resources in my county who are willing to help in this endeavor.  Last but not least, I have worked for the printing industry years ago and I am amazed at all the scrap paper that goes to waste.  I would like to write a letter to these companies to inform them that they can contribute to their local schools by donating their supplies to them instead of placing the items in a recycling bin. 


  1. Corey,
    First of all, it sounds like you have an amazing resource in Ms. Anne and in your own experiences! I think you should contact the local companies that are wasting paper about donating to schools or other children's programs as I am sure they could use the donations. Did you realize when you began this advocacy action plan that your information and ideas would take this direction?

    As for your presentation, I would go ahead and use PowerPoint. This is a great tool to showcase video, artwork, and music in a concise manner. Even if your colleagues are not familiar with PowerPoint, it can still be a powerful tool. I would just be sure to make your information short, to the point and pleasing to the eye. Simplicity may work best. I wish that I had some great ideas for you on how to get an artist or musician to speak at your facility but this is not my area of expertise. I would start by browsing local coffee shops, museums or galleries and speak with the shop owners to see if they have any local contacts that may be interested in working with you. Best of luck Corey!

    1. Hi Shannon,

      I really do think Ms. Anne is a great resource. I had no idea when I started this endeavor that I would be in contact with some great people and that the response would be as positive as it has been. I have been receiving feedback that a PowerPoint is advised, but I do think I may print one out for everyone to read and review later. Keeping it simple is a great idea. I tend to over compensate. Also, I like your idea of local coffee shops, museums and galleries to find local talent. I actually live relatively close to the city of Chicago and musicians and arts are in abundance. Thanks for your advice!

    2. I would use a power point I think this is a great tool. I would also print it out for everyone so they can follow along with you. Then they also have a copy of your work to look back on and maybe use.

  2. Corey,
    I understand your concern about making your audience comfortable with the strategies and delivery methods you choose. I think you would be okay to do the PowerPoint, but you might consider just using the printed version if you're unsure. In addition, we had some very valuable DVD resources for our Kendall courses that might show visual examples of integrating the arts with curriculum. One of these was for the Teaching Science course; it showed a teacher using the arts with a unit on earth science. It integrated visual arts, as well as movement. I think there was another example on this same DVD of a teacher who used the arts in teaching about water wheels, mills, and simple machines. Both of these examples were excellent! There were also examples on the DVD for our Teaching through the Arts course. One of them showed a community member coming into the classroom to present a project to the students, which seems like it might be an effective way to get that part of your message across to your audience. Is there a way you could use excerpts from these DVDs in your presentation? This might provide your audience with the same type of experience that they would get by making visits to a real classroom.

    I share your vision about the importance of including the arts in our classrooms on a regular basis. It is a developmentally appropriate way to build prior knowledge, add to that knowledge, and express learning. Learning through the arts provides teaching strategies for meeting the needs of children regarding learning styles and multiple intelligences, helping us to assure that our methods are effective. Have fun! Your enthusiasm is a critical component that will help convey your message!

    1. Hi Peggy,

      Thanks for the printed version of PowerPoint as an idea. I think I may just do that. I actually have DVD resources from past courses and I cannot believe you have the memory to recall the actual names and courses of them! I am very new to PowerPoint and only have created a couple for presentations and I am not sure how to add DVD excerpts. I will check into it though. I think that the arts also build a bridge when culture is involved. The arts reach all backgrounds and provides an outlet for children to share and express their ideas. Thanks for your input!

  3. Corey if you are worried about people not understanding the PowerPoint, you can also make copies of the PowerPoint and hand one out to everyone. That is what I am going to do! Who knows they might like the idea of doing a PowerPoint and they will want to learn how to do one. Just a thought.

    1. I think I am going to provide a printed copy instead. Thanks for your advice. I think it the presentation will conjure up some interest. Sharing knowledge is the whole idea, right? Good luck in your advocacy efforts!

  4. Hello Corey,

    I believe that you should incorporate your PowerPoint with fact sheets. PowerPoint is art. You can show people how you have incorporated art into your presentation. You can also show the old school people the fact sheet where they can follow along with your presentation. I don’t think you should limit your abilities. I think you should enhance others. This world is becoming more advance with technology and pretty soon we will not be speaking to one another face to face. I hope this help. Thanks for sharing. Good Luck.
