Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Blog 5 - Thanks and Support

I was not sure what this course entailed, but I am glad that I was able to have colleagues to lend me support when I was nervous and unsure of my topic.  When I talked about my advocacy plans I became more confident because the insight I received from everyone was extremely valuable.  For instance, I was not sure if I should do a PowerPoint presentation because my field site was extremely "old school" and I did not want anything to go over anyone's heads.  I also did not want to seem like a know it all.  I listened to my colleagues advise and went thru with my PowerPoint presentation, and I am now in the process of teaching two coworkers who are in their 70's how to create one!

I am a pretty outgoing person and when I read posts of everyone's fears of presenting their plan, I tried to reassure them the best I could.  The feeling I get when I am done with a project well done is unbelievable.  A huge sense of relief came over me and I am sure this happened with some of my classmates too!  I wish everyone a career that is rewarding and fulfilling.  Although our major is quite demanding of us, we are making a huge contribution to children who will eventually become leaders and future contributors to our society.  We should continue to collaborate, learn, and take care of ourselves in the best way possible.  I learned a long time ago that we need to give ourselves our own happiness before we can make other individual lives worthwhile.  Good luck everyone and I am glad to have shared this experience with you!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Blog 4

Questions you have with which your colleagues may be able to provide help and support

Most of the employees I work with are "old school".  I am wondering what type of media I should use for my presentation.  I would like to use PowerPoint, but I am not sure if that would go over their heads or if I seem to forward with my technology knowledge.  I started this job less than 3 months ago and I want to make sure that everyone feels comfortable to share their knowledge.  Does anyone have any ideas to make sure I can convey my message appropriately?  My topic is the integration of art and music in core content areas.

Resources and information you are seeking

I am looking to see where I could find qualified artists and musicians to guest speak at my facility.  Also, I would like to find new and interesting ways to integrate art and music in core content areas while still maintaining the children's interests.  I would like to know in the future how to expand on my plan.  I think that government agencies are cutting these programs at an exponential rate.  Does anyone have any ideas?

Resources and/or information you have found helpful and insightful

I have a colleague who has shared a great deal of information with me.  Ms. Anne has earned her bachelor's in art.  When I enlisted her, I had no idea how informed she was.  I have considered her input an extreme asset in my advocacy efforts.  I also have found resources in my county who are willing to help in this endeavor.  Last but not least, I have worked for the printing industry years ago and I am amazed at all the scrap paper that goes to waste.  I would like to write a letter to these companies to inform them that they can contribute to their local schools by donating their supplies to them instead of placing the items in a recycling bin. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Initial Blog Post

A quote that you find inspirational regarding the role that advocacy can have in the lives of young children and their families. Then, post responses to the following: 

“If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.”  ~Mary Engelbreit

    • What inspires and excites you most about your advocacy plan and being an advocate?
I am excited with how receptive the children were to the new art and music activities.  I have incorporated the children’s ideas and interests, and this has resulted in less behavioral problems in the environment.  I am also inspired to work with Ms. Anne and Ms. Elizabeth because they seem truly vested in my advocacy efforts.  Both teachers have contributed knowledge, resources, and creativity to each theme that I have in my curriculum.  For instance, two weeks ago we were teaching “In the Winter” and we offered cotton balls, glitter, and felt pieces for the children to create their own winter scenes.  This week we are teaching “Tools and Machines” and I introduced different types of objects that can be used for painting, such as paintbrushes, sponges, their hands, and stamps just to name a few. 
    • What challenges and/or anxieties do you feel related to engaging in the advocacy efforts you have targeted?
Personally, I am feeling comfortable with my plan.  One challenge I foresee is the financial aspect of maintaining and supplementing the resources.  Another anxiety I have is proposing workshops outside of work hours to implement art and music activities.  I am not sure if my director will be opposed to the idea.  I have only been teaching at this facility for a little over a month so I do not want to seem too assertive or overbearing when sharing my ideas.
    • What do you believe will be most effective in helping you overcome any challenging emotions you may be feeling with regard to presenting and implementing your Advocacy Action Plan?
The most effective plan is to continue collaborating with my peers who are able to persuade my director, Ms. Sara.  I have also kept a journal of any ideas or insights that I might want to share.  I am taking note of Ms. Sara’s busy and down times, so I can propose any plans during the most opportune time.  Also, I am an outgoing individual on a personal level, but I tend to be reserved professionally.  I am learning to open up more and I am starting to realize that professionals need to be able to collaborate with one another in order for change to occur. 
    • How can you encourage others in their advocacy efforts, and how can others encourage you?
I found that once a routine was established the children adapted and responded well to the curriculum.  I am being encouraged daily when I see my peers remaining vigilant in my efforts. Also, focusing on the positive outcomes of incorporating art and music into the environment as opposed to the drawbacks has been a motivator as well.  I think that art and music is fun.  Conveying this message to the children and professionals helps to encourage them to participate. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Internship II Welcome

Hello everyone!  I am very excited to be in Internship II and I hope that it is a painless and gratifying quarter!  I look forward to having insightful discussions with all of you...good luck and Godspeed!