Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Blog 5 - Thanks and Support

I was not sure what this course entailed, but I am glad that I was able to have colleagues to lend me support when I was nervous and unsure of my topic.  When I talked about my advocacy plans I became more confident because the insight I received from everyone was extremely valuable.  For instance, I was not sure if I should do a PowerPoint presentation because my field site was extremely "old school" and I did not want anything to go over anyone's heads.  I also did not want to seem like a know it all.  I listened to my colleagues advise and went thru with my PowerPoint presentation, and I am now in the process of teaching two coworkers who are in their 70's how to create one!

I am a pretty outgoing person and when I read posts of everyone's fears of presenting their plan, I tried to reassure them the best I could.  The feeling I get when I am done with a project well done is unbelievable.  A huge sense of relief came over me and I am sure this happened with some of my classmates too!  I wish everyone a career that is rewarding and fulfilling.  Although our major is quite demanding of us, we are making a huge contribution to children who will eventually become leaders and future contributors to our society.  We should continue to collaborate, learn, and take care of ourselves in the best way possible.  I learned a long time ago that we need to give ourselves our own happiness before we can make other individual lives worthwhile.  Good luck everyone and I am glad to have shared this experience with you!